ALL POSTS TAGGED WITH artificial intelligence
08/22/2016 / By roboticsnews

Artificial intelligence prophets including Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Raymond Kurzweil predict that by the year 2030 machines will develop

08/11/2016 / By Greg White

One of the trademarks that distinguishes robots from humans is the ability to reproduce. This dividing between man and machine

07/26/2016 / By Greg White

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) will spur sentient robots that ought to be granted human rights, argues Oxford University professor

07/12/2016 / By roboticsnews

It’s your nighttime routine: You drop your phone onto the nightstand charging pad, and it asks about your day. You

07/07/2016 / By roboticsnews

You’re texting with someone when suddenly their side of the conversation falls quiet. The three thrumming dots hook you for

07/05/2016 / By roboticsnews

In 1957, Herbert A. Simon predicted that within 10 years a digital computer would be the world’s chess champion. That

06/30/2016 / By roboticsnews

Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming the next big “industrial revolution”, both in this country and around the globe. If you are

06/20/2016 / By Greg White

Among all the far-out, futuristic claims peddled by Elon Musk at this year’s annual Code Conference in Southern California, his

06/14/2016 / By Greg White

Would you trust a surgeon or a robot with your life? Recent events suggest you should prefer the latter. A

06/13/2016 / By Mary Wilder

The crybaby safe space culture that has invaded college campuses over the past few years has not only made its